Friday, May 30, 2008


(On seeing sanyasins on the banks of the Ganges)

Oh! I am a widow no more
No longer do I wear the white
No longer is my forehead
Bereft of the vermillion
No longer am I weak
No longer am I meek
I am a pagli
Carefree, not careless
The world is at my feet
And so are its rules and bonding
I am a free soul
The ugly body I have is a veil
Of the beauty that I have within
I was a widow
I was married to a man
Now I am not
I am married to my Lord.


Aarefa Faridoon said...

Lovely Poem, the best part of it is its Simplicity.Keep it up! All the Best

U Atreya Sarma said...

Beautifully philosophic. Kudos.

Nalini Hebbar said...

The escape from bondage offered another type of bondage?...are they happy?